{ Cafe | Bazaar | Galleria}
We're building something. We hope you'll join us.
Please sign up here to recieve more information as we progress.
Around here, the dust never settles, so feel free to explore this site and our social media pages under development.
We Dream In Dust
On top of a long, steep hill,
by the banks of the River Platte,
a lonely cinder building sits in wait
The bright, sun-yellow paint
Peeling and cracked,
Revealing its back -
Like splintered trunks of old trees,
Layers of the lot's old identities stagger and fray.
"FIREWORKS" across the side of the building,
Like a billboard display
Red and blue letters,
sprouting sparkles like 6-ft. sticks of dynamite.
Left , the lot sits in wait
Once it was a summer shop,
That sold big bangs and whizz-pops.
What luck would be brought
By the Black Cats once sought
But after that, it was left to sit and wait.
Now cradled in the caring hands of us,
We welcome you explore Dust!
No longer left, no longer in wait;
This place has found a new fate
The cracks empty their soil and boredom,
The piles of debris dance away their welcome.
We begin to to shape this place's new outcome.
The carpenters and craftsmen begin,
And we forget what might have been.
Our dusty brains now take the reigns
And we prominently stake our claim.
Denver will never be the same.
As the city slowly awakens,
We will be fueling, unforsaken,
Onward through the darkest night
Towards the drawing dawn's daylight,
On a mission to host for our city-
and Coffee,
Right here in Colorado's queen city.
Hello Denver,
Welcome to Dust.
Denver Artist Gateway
Designing our space to help local artists facilitate their galleries and showings, and promoting a for-profit arts community is one of our driving motivations. We want to see the incredible creations that Colorado artists have to offer become a financially supportive venture. We want to see artists creating more art, and we want to help connect them with customers. We want to see more art!
Intentional Community Space/ Private Lounge
We plan to structure the rest of the building as a private establishment for members and their guests, allowing us to cultivate an intentional community of creative and expressive individuals and give them a platform to contemplate, conjure, and present their expressions in the after-hours of the night, and through daybreak.
Multifaceted Tactics
Our projects will each support a unique goal we wish to achieve with the property. Each angle of our plan will support the others and together, they will crystalize our vision of serving our community and city in a multitude of ways.
Dust will be sectioned into multiple-uses: Cafe/Retail/Gallery/Private Club.
Invoking The Muses
We plan to rejuvenate the entire existing building and create a super-structure that straddles the existing structure, providing a large second-floor platform that will house the amazing works of Ryan Elmendorf (re:engineering) and Nick Geurts (yetiweurks) , a 3m. high human head and hands, called "Awakening" emerging from the ground towards the city and the rising sun. We want to invite creators from around the world to showcase in our space.
Love Thy Neighbor
Beginning with a public cafe and retail space, we plan to offer the local neighborhood a locally sourced supply of delicious, classic and alternative cafe beverages. At daybreak, we will open our doors to the workers and residents of North Washington and Globeville and conjure an environment that promotes health, happiness and relaxation, an oasis from the omnipresent industrial elements in the area. We want to create a haven to refuel and refocus, with caffeine alternatives and herbal enhancers, to embolden our human connection to the bounties of nature's delicacies.
Leave A Trace
The neighborhood we are located in has high traffic of large vehicles and an increased amount of human trash and recycling, and is often subject to heavy smells. We plan on focusing efforts to not only provide a delightful and healthy experience for our customers, but to use botanical and mechanical filtration. We want to become a beacon of change in an area that has been neglected and ignored for decades.
Our goal is to leave a trace of our presence here, in a way that changes the world towards the one we want to see, in balance with the local ecology and responsibly cared for.

BRINGING SPIRIT TO THE SLAG YARDS: Dust aims to transform the corner of 55th and Washington into a popular local destination for workers and residents in the Globeville and North Washington neighborhoods. We want to create an area free from dust and sour air, where people can escape the heavy embrace of Denver's industrial edge and get a healthy, helpful and locally sourced drink from our cafe. Balancing service to the local community and the greater Denver area.

Goal: Renewal, Improvement, and Expansion of "Globeville/North Wash." Neighborhood Propery.
We want to create a private creative's club. Open Late Night until Dawn, members will have daily access to over 1500 Sq ft. of space and a rooftop patio to facilitate their projects, workshops, express their talents, and socialize with other members, will receive invitations to weekly showcases and private events. Memberships will help cover operating costs of the facility and help facilitate intentional creative gatherings dedicated to a melange of artistic forms.

Hosting unique, world-renowned art installations from a lookout point in the North Washington hills.
A GATEWAY TO COLORADO CREATIVE PRODUCTS: We seek to curate a collection of raw, refined, reused, repurposed, and rediculous items that we find within the Colorado art and craft communities and offer them to the public for sale.
We are striving to build a marketplace for artists and creators so they can spend more time creating and less time selling.
Dust collects a comission on all art sold. Patrons recieve discounted comission rates that do not affect artist's compensation.

GypsyBirds Apparel, an international fashion collaboration, will be showcased at Dust.
We will begin serving coffee and herbal elixers in early 2019 at the Desert Sparrow mobile cafe. Revenue from which we will dedicate to the improvement and fulfillment of our final goal. We aim to build out a portion of Dust to serve as a full time cafe and lounge. We want to create a public space with a filtered and enriched atmosphere, to amplify health, happiness, and relaxation of people in Globeville and North Washington. Our plan is to incorporate indoor garden areas and natural lighting, alongside displayed artist's works, to rejuvenate the neighborhoods spirit and health.

The Desert Sparrow will offer botanically enhanced, non-alcoholic drinks sourced from local suppliers in Denver and Boulder.